Published: Thursday 20 April 2023

Its raining… get your indoor plants out there in the weather !


Its true rainwater is so much better than tap water, its cleaner, there is no additives like fluoride, cleaning products like chlorine etc.

Rainwater has more oxygen and nitrogen, which helps plants grow and look healthy and has the right pH levels that plants need

The leaves will be dusted, washing off any pollutants they have breathed in trying to clean your environment producing cleaner oxygen for you to breathe.

If it rains long enough the soil will get flushed through taking with it any salt that has built up in the soil (coming from tap water) again just another layer of awesome-ness of the rain


Don’t forget to bring them back in – don’t leave the plants out over night to freeze or get sunburnt the next day when the sun comes out.


So look after those plants, so they in turn can take care of us